Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Simplistic Saturday

We've been working diligently at adding more simplicity into our life. I've often found that adding simplicity means subtracting a lot of other "stuff" and making my priorities match my values.

This week was spring break for the schools here. While we don't have children in school yet, it does affect our lives because my husband's counseling practice consists mainly of children, teens, and families.

It was great to have him home with us more this week. In order to take advantage of this break, I decided to say no to a few play dates and mom's group activities. It's not always easy to say no to these things, especially when you feel like other mom's rely on you to be there. I also miss the socialization time with other mom, but there is definitely a time and place for these things. My marriage and family are my priorities.

Instead, we stayed home and spent time together. Yesterday afternoon my husband, who loves woodworking, had a chance to build a spice rack for me that he's been planning for a couple of weeks. While he worked, me and my son were in the yard with him, playing in the sand box and enjoying our dogs. It was so wonderfully simple!

Part of my simple living plan is to designate one day a week for a day of rest. This day is Sunday. So no post tomorrow, but check back on Monday for my meal plan posting and more.

What have you done this week to add more simplicity to your life?

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