Sunday, September 27, 2009

Cheap Greeting Cards

Back when I had lots of time on my hands (pre-motherhood), I would make these beautiful handmade greeting cards. Okay, so that was one of the first things to go when I became a mommy. I just don't have time in my life right now for that, but I do still want to send cards to people. Have you bought a card at the store lately? Seriously, I think $3 or more each is ridiculous!! So I have come up with two tightwad solutions:

Solution #1:
Send an e-card. I've been doing this on a limited basis for years, but now I try to send one to almost anyone that regularly checks their e-mail and won't be offended by not receiving a card in the mail. There are a lot of great sites out there for sending free e-cards. One of my favorites is Dayspring.

Solution #2:
I know for some occasions or people, it's just not appropriate to send an e-card. When I'm shopping the local thrift stores, I always browse their card selection. Since they don't take up much room, a lot of the stores just throw them all into one box or basket and most shoppers just overlook them. I have found so many great cards in like-new condition for pennies. I prefer to stick to buying blank cards with nice pictures on the front, making sure that I get a selection for men, women, and children. This way, I can have them on hand to use for all different occasions. I have found that most people really appreciate a nice blank card that I've written something thoughtful in, rather than the typical store-bought card with a name signed to the bottom. No more last minute stops at the store for a $3 card on the way to a birthday party!

I usually pay $1 for 10-15 blank cards or small thank you cards. I have found one store that sells the typical store-type greeting cards for 50 cents......still a great deal. I will buy one of these, if I find one that is appropriate for a specific person/occasion and make sure that I also write something thoughtful along with the pre-printed sentiments.

Visit beingfrugal for more Tightwad Tuesday ideas.

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