Monday, September 28, 2009

Homemade Teething Biscuits

My poor son has been teething for two solid weeks now. Each time he goes through a teething bout, it seems that we have to find something new to help. In the past we've used ice wrapped in a washcloth, a wet washcloth, teething rings, vibrating teethers, soft spoons, and a leather coin purse. This time around, the only thing that seems to help are those teething biscuits. I buy the natural, organic ones that are about $4 a box.

We ran out yesterday, so I decided to try making my own. I used a recipe from this book, and they turned out good, just not as pretty as the store bought ones. I love the idea of making my own, because I know exactly what's in them and I can make them into any shape I want (making sure to round any sharp edges). Not to mention that it's so much cheaper than $4 per box.

We're traveling this weekend, so I think I'll make up another batch to take on the road with us. The only question I have is how to store them. I don't think I want to store them in an airtight container, because they'll probably soften up. I'm guessing maybe wax paper or a brown paper bag? Please feel free to leave any suggestions in the comment area.

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